Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Digital Game Testing

The video game i was examining is call Super Mario brothers. This game is a nice and smoth adventure. I find it to be relaxing and fun. In my opinion the audience for this game will be kids and young adults. I like it a lot. It took me back to my childhood. I think the skills needed for this game are basic ones; concentraition and commun sense. One of the great things i learned about playing this game was to relax and enjoy. Even without thinking about it i found myself thinking and finding clues to get to the next level. The game was not difficult to understand, but it has little details that force u in a good way to be focus. It was a nice experience.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

club fair

Last wednesday i went to the school club fair, and to my surprise it was very nice. I felt very welcome by the people working there. They were serving drinks and giving green coffee cups. The enviroment was good.
Most of the clubs are very interesting. There was a lot to choose from: Actors guild, break dancing, sign language etc. Two of these clubs i was very interested in, but iam very busy and my schudule is to tied right now. I spoke with the guy from the sign language group, and for a while i was very exited. I have been looking for something like that for a long time. I will love to learn sign language, but it is impossible for me at this moment. I hope to join one of the clubs in the future. I think it will be great.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good video games and good learning

In James gee's article "Good video games and good learning he talks about his first experience playing a video game. He realized that video games are much more complex than he thought. After playing games James gee's belive that the video games are a great way to teach kids in schools, and help them focus more. Video games requiere a lot of concentration and if the kids could play and learn at the same time will be a great solution. Also he disagrees with teachers who believed that video games are a waste of time for children, and that they only bring violence and problems to the kids. After finding out how interesting video games can be, James gee's strongly believes in the positive side of games, and in all of it's benefits.