To be honest at the begining of this cluster i did not know what to expect. The idea to shaere all my classes with the same people was not very intersting to me, but anyways i decide to take it, and it was worth it.
I have learned a lot in the past 7 weeks. One of the things that worried me more when i started school was that my computer skills were very limited. But to my surprise i have learned a lot. Iam able to look for my assignments, uploaded them, save things in my flash drive, and many other things that i never imagined i was going to be able to do.
The most interesting thing for me is the writting. I feel limited in that aspect too because i don't speack english very well. But everyday i feel more confortable. I feel that the most i write, the most i learn, and i love to feel like that. It gives me hope that one day i will be able to write without barriers.
The cluster is nice. I feel confortable being part of it. The people around me are also very nice and they together with the teachers have help me a great deal to develop my computer skills.
I still have many things that worried me. I know that the last weeks will be tough. Many new challenges are waiting for me. For example, i have no clue how to start my final essay about video games and my final media project for my mass media class. But i am sure i will do it. I felt the same way at the begining and so far iam doing good.