Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Exploring topics

Iam going crazy. Exploring topics for my essay five has not be a very placent experience. All the topics seem to be eather to broad or too boring. There are many different options out there, but to me it is like a unknown world. Well after looking and looking i found two topics that got my attention. The fist one was "video games addiction." I found it interesting because i see everyday how obsess people are about video games, and it is hard for me to understand that. So i believed that i could satisfide my curiosity by doing research on this topic. Then i changed my mind. I got more intersting in educational games. I have the idea that educational games will play a big role in children future. Also as an educator aspirant i feel that it is my responsability to learn more about topics that eventually will be affecting chidren. Even though i have no plans to teach in the United States after i graduated, i am sure that the educational video games will trascent oceans; So , i better be ready, and inform about the new ways to teach our children eather here or in any part of the world.

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